Illuminiting specializes in rebranding and designing brands to win.  At Illuminiting, we focus on the confluence of creative and analytics.  Our Luminaries know that effective brand building cannot exist with one and not the other.


  • Brand Equity & Strategy
  • Brand Architecture
  • P&L Management
  • Competitive Analysis
  • Retail Channel Strategy
  • Pricing
  • Business Simplification
  • Demand Generation & Planning
  • Logo & Visual Assets
  • Naming
  • Path-to-Purchase
  • Brand Partnerships


  • Consumer Insights
  • Concept Development
  • Innovation Pipeline Planning
  • Packaging Strategy
  • Procurement
  • Stage Gate Development
  • Shopper Marketing


  • Cross-Functional Leadership
  • Org Structure Building
  • Training Development


  • Marketing Planning
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Social Media
  • SEO & Paid Search
  • eCommerce
  • Digital Strategy
  • Content Creation
  • Loyalty & Rewards
  • E-mail Marketing
  • PR & Media Relations
  • Crisis Communication
  • Copywriting & Editing

Yes, like all the other agencies we can do it all too...  

We have exceptional experiences in everything from digital and e-commerce to traditional media advertising and brochure designs, so, yes, we can do it all.  But...Illuminiting will add the most value to your brand by identifying the path for growth with creative solutions that separate you from your competition.

At Illuminiting, we do not view Brand Strategy as a collection of tactics (as you may see in many agency pitches).  Instead, our Luminaries define Brand Strategy as the most effective and efficient path to make meaningful connections with your customers.  The Illuminiting Path is a proprietary process that starts with identifying the critical barriers to growth and ends with creating solutions that deliver clear, measurable results.